Erasmus+ KA2 project "Tools 4 Trainers to Empower NEETs"

The proposed project, T4TEMP will create a new powerful tool, namely the e-Learning Toolkit which will be addressing to Educators, Career Counselors, Youth Workers who dealing with NEETs to upskill their competences in effective engagement methodologies. T4TEMP aims to increase participation of NEETs, into Labor market and Education by upskilling Educators, Career Counselors, Youth Workers. A secondary aim is to raise awareness of heterogeneity of the NEETs population across member states so that adaptation can accommodate diversity of NEET profile.

The T4TEMP will implement the following objectives:

The main target group of the project is addressing Adult Educators, VET Providers, Teachers, Career Counselors,etc who dealing with NEETs whom wish to upskill their competences, qualifications, approaches, in order to be able to be more competitive, professionals and provide the NEETs with better assistance and help them to come to employability or education so as to attain their career goals. Throughout the implementation and validation phase of the project the partners will include members of this target group (training sessions, local national events, feedback etc.). Approximately the projects aims to reach directly all the relevant stakeholders (Teachers, Career Counselors, VET trainers, etc) from the Organizations (Public and Private Authorities) and networks participating in the project, within Europe and beyond. Furthermore, other professionals in the private sector or in trade unions, who provide in-service training and development for teachers and young professionals, will also benefit from the tools developed, as they will improve their professional profiles and their roles in training sessions.

The secondary target group includes NEETs:

It is expected that a total number of over 240 educators, counselors will be involved in core project activities, giving valuable feedback and information on the quality and usability of the project results. Local, national and international stakeholders will be let known about the outcomes of the project and their importance in the role and tasks of enhance their qualification. The methodology and activities for implementing the project is simple: the project starts with the formulation of an International Comparison State of Art of Adult educators and target group of NEETs (O1). This activity will lead to the design and development of the Targeted Training Courses for adult educators, who are working with the target group of NEETs (O2). In addition to the development of O2 , a e-Learning Toolkit (O3) will be created based on all the aforementioned. The structure and method of delivery will be defined by the partnership and the implementation phase will include the evaluation of the pilot training course developed, so as to assess the effectiveness of the course.

Each partner will have to work on all outputs and deliver their results on schedule. Regular feedback on all activities will be exchanged throughout the project, while six partner meetings are planned. The project coordinator will make sure to resolve any issues arising via regular communication.

Project sustainability will be pursued through all available media (website, platform, social media, emailing lists, international/ national conferences). T4TEMP hopes to make an impact on contributing significantly in enhancing the opportunities for up-skilling of adult educators, both nationally and at EU level, as well as for other members of the target group. A common digital Toolkit template will ensure that all professionals are evaluated in a common basis and that they pursue positions that they are qualified for, and could eventually lead to the reduction of low-qualified professionals.

Project partners: