Women Fit 4 Business

"Women Fit 4 Business" is a learning partnership funded by the European Union with partners from Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Spain and Turkey.

The aim of this project is to share successful teaching experience among the partner institutions as well as identify obstacles experienced by women participating in further education. The main target group are women who are unemployed or disadvantaged. For these women the partner organisations want to improve training and education in order to better prepare them for (re-)entering the labour market. Entrepreneurship, ICT skills and self-confidence will be the main topics.

The partner organisations will exchange and share their best pratices in terms of pedagogical methods which improve the learning process, skills and self-confidence of the women. Trainers will increase their teaching skills and enrich their methodological diversity. The transferred methods will be tested in each organisation in the context of a pilot course, thus feedback of participants and trainers can help to further improve training and teaching in adult education.

In the scope of the project 7 meetings will take place, one in each partner country, in order to initiate the exchange and transfer of methods, foster cooperation and intercultural exchange as well as enable the presentation of best pratice.

This project is a cooperation of institutions from 7 countries:

Projekti kokkuvõte eesti keeles

Projekt „Women Fit 4 Business” on õpikoostöö projekt, mille rahastaja on Euroopa Liit. Projekti partnerid on Küproselt, Eestist, Saksamaalt, Leedust, Poolast, Hispaaniast ja Türgist. Selle projekti eesmärk oli jagada kogemusi edukast õpetamisest projektipartnerite organisatsioonides ja tuua välja raskusi ning takistusi, mida naised on kogenud hariduse omandamisel. Peamine sihtgrupp oli naised, kes on töötud või tööturul ebasoodsas olukorras. Partnerorganisatsioonid soovisid nende naiste jaoks parendada õppimisvõimalusi, et neid paremini ette valmistada tööturule astumiseks või naasmiseks. Ettevõtlus, arvutioskused ja enesekindlus olid pilootkursuste peamised teemad. Projekti partnerorganistasioonid jagasid oma parimaid kogemusi koolitamise vallas, mis samas aitas ka parendada kursuse läbiviijate õpetamisoskusi ja rikastada metoodikat. Meetodeid testiti kõigi projektis osalenud partnerite poolt. Kokku oli 167 õppijat, keda juhendas 34 täiskasvanute koolitajat. Osalejate ja koolitajate antud tagasiside aitas kohandada koolitamis- ja õpetamismetoodikat ja täiendada materjale.

Projekti raames toimus seitse kohtumist, üks igas partenerriigis, eesmärgiga algatada meetodite jagamist ja vahetamist, toetada koostööd ja kultuurivahetust ja võimaldada parimate kogemuste/praktikate esitlemist.

Koostati e-väljaanne „Teaching Methods”, mis abistab täiskasvanute koolitajatel leida uusi võimalusi, kuidas oma õpetamist muuta huvitavamaks ja efektiivsemaks. See on nagu heade praktikate käsiraamat, kuhu on panustanud õppijad, juhendajad ja juhid, kes tegutsevad erinevates töö- ja haridusvaldkonadades. Väljaandes on kirjeldatud rohkem kui 30 õpetamismeetodit, mis koguti projekti „Women Fit 4 Business” raames ja võeti kasutusse projekti partnerite poolt. Kõik meetodid annavad õpetajatele-kooliajatele võimaluse pakkuda parema kvaliteediga haridusteenust ja oma kutseoskusi täiendada.

Õpetamismeetodi kirjelduses on välja toodud meetodi nimi, kestus, vajalikud vahendid, eesmärgid, ettevalmistus, rakendamine, osalejate osa, võimalikud probleemid, eeldatud tulemus, edu kriteeriumid, tulemustele hinnangu andmise kriteeriumid, tulemused ja kasulikud nipid.

Esimest 11 meetodit testiti pilootkursustel, mille iga osalejamaa korraldas. Kõiki testitud meetodeid hinnati skaalal ühest viieni ja lisati õpilaste ja koolitajate kommentaarid.

E-väljaanne „Teaching methods” on kättesaadav projekti ametlikul koduleheküljel


Projekt „Women Fit 4 Business” on seitsmelt maalt pärit seitsme organisatsiooni koostöö:

Küpros- AIPFE – International Association for the promotion of women in Europe – Cyprus Council / “Women of Europe Award”

Eesti- Kuressaare Gümnaasium (struktuuriüksus koolituskeskus Osilia)

Saksamaa- Institut für technologieorientierte Frauenbildung – Frauencomputerschule

Leedu- Panevėžys Business Advisory Centre

Poola- Towarzystwo Wolnej Wszechnicy Polskiej O/ Lublin

Hispaania- Taca Associació D'artistes De Les Comarques Gironines

Türgi-Mezitli Sosyal Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma Vakfı.

Projekti „Women Fit 4 Business” toetas Euroopa Liidu Elukestva Õppe Programm (Grundtvigi alaprogramm)

The summary of the project „Women Fit 4 Business“ in English

Project “Women Fit 4 Business” is the learning partnership project, funded by the European Union with partners from Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Spain and Turkey. The aim of this project was to share successful teaching experience among the partner institutions as well as identify obstacles experienced by women participating in further education. The main target group was women, who are unemployed or disadvantaged. For these women the partner organizations wanted to improve training and education in order to better prepare them for (re-)entering the labor market. Entrepreneurship, ICT skills and self-confidence were the main topics during the pilot courses, which were carried out in each partner country. The project's partner organizations exchanged and shared their best practices in terms of pedagogical methods which helped to improve the learning process, skills and self-confidence of the women, while at the same time, helped the trainers to increase their teaching skills and enrich their methodological diversity. The transferred methods were tested in each organization in the context of a pilot course. All together there were 167 learners in the pilot courses, which were lead by 34 adult educators. The feedback collected from the participants and the trainers helped to further improve the training and teaching methodologies and material.

In the scope of the project seven meetings took place, one in each partner country, in order to initiate the exchange and transfer of methods, foster cooperation and intercultural exchange as well as enable the presentation of best practices.

The e-brochure “TEACHING METHODS”, that was developed, helps adult teachers to find new ways on how to make their teaching more interesting and effective. It is like a “manual” of good practice, comprising contributions from learners, tutors and managers who study or work in different vocational and educational contexts. In the e-brochure you can find more than 30 teaching methods descriptions which were collected during the project “Women fit 4 business” and implemented by project`s partners. All methods can help teachers (lecturers) to provide education services of better quality and can increase their qualifications as educators.

The teaching method descriptions include: name of the method, duration, tools and resources, objectives, preparation, implementation, roles of participants, possible problems, expected impact on the individual/group, criteria for success, criteria for the results evaluation, results and outcomes and usefull tips

First 11 teaching methods in the list of the e-brochure were tested in pilot courses organized in each country. All tested methods are evaluated from 1 to 5 stars and comments from students and trainers are included.

The „Teaching methods” e-brochure is available at the project`s official website https://womenfit4business.wordpress.com/

Project „Women Fit 4 Business” is the cooperation of institutions from seven countries: Cyprus - AIPFE – International Association for the promotion of women in Europe – Cyprus Council / “Women of Europe Award”, Estonia - Kuressaare Gümnaasium (struktuuriüksus koolituskeskus Osilia), Germany - Institut für technologieorientierte Frauenbildung – Frauencomputerschule e.V., Lithuania - Panevėžys Business Advisory Centre, Poland - Towarzystwo Wolnej Wszechnicy Polskiej O/ Lublin, Spain – Taca Associació D'artistes De Les Comarques Gironines, Turkey - Mezitli Sosyal Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma Vakfı. The project „Women Fit 4 Business” is funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme (sub-programme Grundtvig) of the European Union.

Projekti tulemus / The outcomes of the project:

E-brozüür „Õppemeetodid“ / E-brochure „Teaching methods“ (The e-brochure is a collection of best practice teaching methods from the partner organizations to improve the learning experience of women. Several methods were tested and feedback from learners and teachers is provided.)

Projekti edulood / succes stories

Projekti edulood / succes stories.